Tuesday, July 28, 2009

From Addie

It has been exactly two weeks since Joan and I had our surgeries. We've had our ups and downs, but we are making progress, slowly but surely. What a gift of life Joan has given me and what an act of great love. Who would have guessed that when I brought Joan into this world that she would give me a new life. She claims she has no regrets even going through what she had to experience these last two weeks.

Pain is definitely the main challenge for both of us. Our doctors announced yesterday that we have to stop our pain pills and limit ourselves to Tylenol every six hours. We're trying our best.

Pete has been most patient doing everything for us. So far he's holding up and trying to enjoy the pool and his bike ride and daily walk to keep from burning out. He takes very good care of us.

Joy and Jade were here the first week while we were in the hospital. They were wonderful with their moral support and keeping Pete from stressing out. Joy is also helping the office with bills and ads and wherever she can help during our absence. She's working triple time: Cal Poly, my office and the baby. What a champ!

We've also been blessed with friends and relatives who have brought food & cooked, especially the first week giving support and running errands. We have felt the power of all your prayers and positive energy which really sustained us. I can truly say I was very much at peace the day of surgery and had no anxiety nor fear. The first night after surgery was a blur, but I was so lucky to have my wonderful nurse Amber who was by my side all night. I could hear her voice talking to me, but I couldn't wake up to meet her. It wasn't until the next morning that I asked her for her name when I finally opened my eyes. I thanked her profusely for her excellent care. I was very fortunate to have a private VIP room the first four days in the hospital. The team of doctors and residents and fellows came to see me every day while I was in the hospital. We all had one nurse for every 2-3 patients, so we got excellent care.

I was told during our training that my first month will be eating, sleeping and taking meds. I'm now a pro at administering my own meds from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., adjusting on the immunosuppressant drugs as they get the results from my blood test twice a week. Joan has been cleared from her follow-up and will return for her two-month check-up. I still go to clinic twice a week and hopefully by next month only once a week. Next week I have two more IVIG infusions which will take two full days. Hopefully the nurse will come to my hotel to do my IVIG. (This is to keep me from rejecting Joan's kidney since we are not a perfect match.)

It has been a long journey since I was diagnosed with renal failure over three years ago. I have learned a lot about diets, discipline, how to adapt to a different lifestyle, staying positive, and how to do home dialysis. I have met a lot of wonderful people who have taught me knowledge I wouldn't have had and who have become my friends and support system. Having experienced and learned so much these past years, I can't help but marvel at the medical knowledge that we have and all the dedicated people who research and practice in order to enable me to take this journey. None of this could have happened if this were twenty years ago. We do have lots to be thankful for!

My heartfelt thanks to all of you who have supported us throughout this journey. We treasure and appreciate your friendship, concerns, prayers, etc. I will close with my favorite prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.



  1. Dear Addie,

    What a gift it is to read your words and witness from afar your journey of faith. I'm so moved by your attitude and how God continues to strengthen all of you, Joan, and your entire support team. Keeping you in my daily thoughts and prayers here in San Diego.


  2. Thanks so much for your update, Addie. You and Joan are truly remarkable people - and what a life-changing and life-giving experience you have both had and now share with us. We continue to hold you in our hearts and prayers and pray for continued peace as your journey continues. Be well...and may you heal fully.

    Jana, Mike, and Tae

  3. Addie, Joan and Pete,

    We wait for your blogs like manna from heaven. Your journey to this place has been truly amazing. Many times during the day we think of you. Can you feel our love? If we can do anything to help at this end please e-mail us. From now on we hope each day is healing with diminishing pain. Thank you for update.


    Arline and Harry
