Saturday, August 8, 2009

From Addie

Joan has been home for one week and we’re both counting the days to August 14th which will be the magical time period for us to say “the worst is behind us,” so we’re told. Joan has been going into the office a couple hours a day, but is still recovering and requiring healing time. The healing process takes up a lot of energy and drains you very quickly. Everything you do is an effort and in slow motion. Before we know it we will be just as good as new, I’m sure. My doctor told me I’ll be “better than new.” Can’t wait!

This last week has been exhausting including two days in the hospital for the IVIG.I was there from 10am to 6pm. The other two days were blood tests and clinic days. I was so glad when Friday was here so Pete and I took off in our motor home for a long ride. We met our friends David and Julee Krause from Cambria for a brief visit while we were in Scotts Valley. We then drove to Capitola and then headed up Hwy 1 to Half Moon Bay. We made several stops and enjoyed our picnic lunch in our motor home and a rest stop at Greyhound State Beach. Pete took a little hike down to the beach and scouted around and I had a nice nap in the motor home. We walked briefly around the marina at Half Moon Bay and then drove home.

Today, we decided to spend a day at our Thousand Trails campground in Morgan Hill where we used to bring the girls and their friends camping when they were little and into their teens. We stopped by Camping World on the way to pick up a few things for the motor home. It was perfect weather and we had a very relaxing day. Pete decided to cook lunch and I enjoyed eating outside under the shade of all the trees.

Tomorrow, we might go north to find a bike trail for Pete while I rest and read in the motor home. We’re so glad we brought the motor home with us. We wouldn’t have been able to get out for these little trips here and there without it. We’re getting to know this area and are enjoying the change in pace in spite of the circumstances.

Next week, hopefully, will be the last week of my twice-a-week visits to the hospital. I look forward to some good news when all my test results come back. We have made the most of our stay here. We enjoy hearing from all of you through the email, blog, cards, flowers, and the short visits of a few friends and relatives who stopped by. We really feel everyone’s love and best wishes. For those who have helped at home, especially my sister Maylin from Maui and our cousin Sophia from Singapore, my associates who keep the office running, and those who visited Mom at the nursing home I say “ A BIG THANK YOU!” We’re still not sure where we’ll be after next week, but will keep you posted.

I miss my granddaughter Jade and look forward to being able to pick her up and hold her in my arms. I can’t wait until the doctor tells me I can lift over 10 lbs again. So far, I haven’t been able to drive and thank goodness Pete doesn’t mind doing all the driving and taking me back and forth to the hospital. How we take so much for granted when we’re well. Life is precious – live each day to the fullest and count your blessings.

Until the next blog, take care and enjoy your summer!



  1. Addie, what a wonderful report! Cambria is one of my favorite places, and I'm glad that you and your husband were able to enjoy it. You are so right--we take so much for granted! You are such an inspiration, reminding us that every moment with our loved ones is absolutely precious. Yes, I shall heed your advice to live each day to the fullest and count my blessings.

    I continue to pray for you and for my pal Joan. I hope that in one of my visits to the Central Coast I will be able to give you a hug--through the updates and lifting you all in prayer, I have come to feel like I'm part of the family. :)



  2. Dear Addie,
    Our prayers have been and will continue to be with you and all of your family. We were very glad to read that things have gone so well. (Thanks to Lorraine for putting us in touch thru the blog.) We look forward to having you back here in Morro Bay -- we'll see you then.

    Hugs to all of you,
    Sally and Charlie DeBerry

  3. What a miraculous event! You have a wonderful family, Addie, and this is testament to it!
    Best wishes for a full and complete recovery!
    Jane Broshears
