Saturday, August 1, 2009

Home Sweet Home (from Joan)

Hello friends and family! I just returned home to Morro Bay this evening and am enjoying a bit of peace and quiet with my cat Bart. There hasn't been a whole lot of action since my mom added to the blog on Tuesday. She had another appointment at Stanford on Thursday and the doctors told her that she's free to go out and about as long as she feels up to it. She's still dealing with pain from the surgery, but she's in great spirits and ready to explore the area a bit. We took a day trip out to Half Moon Bay (I think we headed out within minutes of her returning with the good news from her doctors. She was ready to hit the road!) It was a mellow trip: just a drive and lunch at a nice restaurant by the water. My friend Julianna was with us. She came up on Wednesday to help me out and keep me company. Everyone should have a professional physical therapist taking care of them!

Julianna drove me home today and helped me get unpacked. Joy had the house all stocked with food and fresh flowers. How spoiled I am and how very blessed! I will continue to take it easy and ease my way back into "normal" life over the next couple weeks. I'm not driving yet, but that's OK because I don't have anywhere I need to be in the near future!

My parents are still enjoying their "home" in Palo Alto. Dad spends a lot of time walking, using the computer, swimming in the pool, shopping and doing laundry. I suspect he'll go out for his weekly bike ride on Sunday morning again. He continues to discover all kinds of new things in the area. Mom is doing a lot of reading, listening to music, and watching TV and movies. She gets out to walk a bit each day and is now going out with my dad in the car to run errands and explore. We had a nice dinner out at the Cheesecake Factory last night to celebrate my last night there.

That's all for now. I didn't get a nap today, so am off to bed early. Blessings and love to you all!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome home, dear Joan! We are so glad you and your mom are doing so well -- it's amazing to think of what your bodies went through mere weeks ago! Continued peace and blessings on your healing and health. I'm home with a bad cold...and hoping Tae doesn't catch it. After all of us are ready and healthy, it would be wonderful to see you in person! We send our love up Highway 1!

    Jana, Mike, and Tae
